The HS23P6632 is an MCU with a built-in PIR signal processing circuit. The PIR signal processing circuit includes a 16-bit ADC to convert PIR weak sensing signal; and a 0.4 H z to 7 H z digital bandpass filter for the ADC conversion; and a 7-bit SAR ADC according to the actual application. Built-in MCU resource is rich, including interrupt, timer, PWM output, etc.
Product overview
The HS23P6632 is an MCU with a built-in PIR signal processing circuit. The PIR signal processing circuit includes a 16-bit ADC to convert PIR weak sensing signal; and a 0.4 H z to 7 H z digital bandpass filter for the ADC conversion; and a 7-bit SAR ADC according to the actual application. Built-in MCU resource is rich, including interrupt, timer, PWM output, etc.
Product details
¡ô Except for two jump instruction cycles, all other instructions are an instruction cycle
¡ô ROM
¡ô can be addressed both directly and indirectly
¡ô 2-s 16-bit timers:
TC0: External event counter / PWM0 / Buzzer output;
TC1: External event counter / PWM1 / Buzzer output;
The ¡ô has a built-in POR, and BOR
¡ô built-in on-in electrical reset time PWRT and oscillator start time OSCT
¡ô Built-in WDT Watch Dogs
The ¡ô has a built-in calibratable IHRC oscillator
The ¡ô has a built-in calibratable ILRC oscillator
¡ô A security bit (in code register) protecver is not read out
¡ô 384 RAM
¡ô has a built-in I2C communication protocol
¡ô 3 group of standard bidirectional I / O ports
¡ô level 8 is used for a nested stack for subroutines
¡ô 6 available breaks:
Four internal interruptions: TC0, TC1, ADC, I2C;
2 External interrupages: INT0, INT1
¡ô 16bit Sigma-Delta ADC